Spot long-term supply TB 1207F TB1207F
Three key 1207F
ThreeBond 1207F
Features and uses
● has good resistance to engine oil resistance and resistance LLC.
● unhardened state, the pressure is good.
● In the unhardened state, the goods will be placed 120 ℃ high temperature can also be hardened.
● do not corrode copper and copper alloys.
TB1200 series of liquid silicone rubber gaskets and potting
TB1207B, TB1207C, TB1207D, TB1207F, TB1207H, TB1208C, TB1208D, TB1209, TB1211, TB1211E,
TB1212, TB1212D, TB1215, TB1216, TB1216B, TB1216E, TB1217D, 1217F, TB1217G, TB1217H, TB1241,
TB1274, TB1280B, TB1281, TB1281B
TB1220 series of electrical and electronic equipment, silicone adhesive sealant
TB1220C, TB1220D, TB1221C, TB1221D, TB1222B, TB1222C, TB1225B
TB1230 series of two-component heat curing silicone encapsulants TB1230G substrate
東莞市松克電子科技有限公司為普萊克思PLEXUS特約經銷商 , 王克明13825725258
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